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Is there any research about house churches

"Perhaps the most compelling insight from the national study was an evaluation of the levels of satisfaction of those who attend a house church compared with the views of adults who attend a conventional local church. Four aspects of people’s church experience were gauged. Overall, people attending a house church were significantly more likely to be “completely satisfied” with their experience in each of the four dimensions examined.  Two-thirds of house church attenders (68%) were “completely satisfied” with the leadership of their church, compared to only half of those attending a conventional church (49%)." (Taken from the article, "House Churches are More Satisfying to Attenders than are Conventional Churches")

Does the research demonstrate that the house church model is more successful?
Although research can be beneficial, it must not be the standard by which we gauge success.  Success in the Christian life is gauged by obedience to Jesus.  Sometimes he will call us to a job where we cannot measure any success, while at other times, there will be an out-pouring of the Holy Spirit.
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